Haley McGee, Never Mind the Noise
in Vancouver at the rEvolver Festival May 31st through June 3rd.
Do you ever wonder ... why do women spend so much time beautifying? The hair, the makeup, the spine
altering heels ... why? Do we do
it for ourselves? Let's be
honest. We do it for ...
them. Men. And when all that doesn't impress them,
what do we do then?
Haley McGee's character (the blond woman with nice legs who has no
name), she seems willing to do anything to get this guy to notice her, to
appreciate her, to love her. If
only he'd love her! He doesn't
seem to be much of a catch, though, she tells us he has body image issues, he's
trying to be a comedian but she'd prefer he get a "real job." He makes fun of her in his comedy
routine. But ... he doesn't get
mad at her when she's sad. He
makes her laugh. They had
great sex. And that's enough for
On the surface Haley's show is hilarious. Outrageous.
Silly. But peel back a few
layers, throw off the wig, wipe off the make-up, and take a good look. Who are you trying to impress? And why?
If only we had been a better audience. She tried so hard, she gave us vodka, and cupcakes. But, like her, and us, the props weren't
perfect either. They weren't
vegan. They weren't gluten free. Some of us were left out. Nothing's ever good enough. It's our fault. It's the lighting person's fault. If only he'd show up, he'd make it all
Will the unnamed woman find what she's looking for in Vancouver? She said she's gonna try again at the
rEvolver Festival May 31st through June 3rd. Reserve your ticket now.