Sunday, February 5, 2017

Before the Streets

Is it racist for a white settler to acknowledge that there is something that can perhaps be described as "native time?"  Not in a derogative way, but rather in a somewhat envious way.  As in, if I could plug into "native time" more frequently, my life would be less harried, less frenzied, more contemplative.  It would feel more natural to just go-with-the-flow.  

Maybe we'd all be better off if we could learn to relax a bit, chill, meditate, take a moment to contemplate the many images and expressions that constantly bombard us rather than trying to process them in quick succession or get caught in their stream.

If it's not okay to suggest that such a thing as "native time" exists then I'd like to merely suggest that, if you're planning to see Before the Streets, don't go there expecting it to be fast moving continuous action and dialogue.  Because it's not.  It's a difficult story that asks us to consider both the significance of each moment, and the concept of eternity. 

I think we can all agree that within every moment there's an opportunity to make a decision that could influence the rest of our lives.  If we find ourselves in a difficult situation, and we make a bad decision, how much power should that moment have to forever haunt us?  If we're forced to give up power because we've made a bad decision, who do we trust to help us get back on track?  And, which track?

Before the Streets asks these questions, and more.  Does it answer them?  I don't know, I'm still thinking about it.  Go see it Monday February 6th, 7 pm at Odeon 5.

BEFORE THE STREETS- (AVANT LES RUES)- by Chloé Leriche (trailer) in theaters april 15th from Funfilmdistribution on Vimeo.

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